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Celebrate Valentine's Day romantically

Celebrate Valentine's Day romantically

14 February 2025

Valentine's Day at Müvée

Here you will find the romantic idea for the perfect Valentine's Day. Surprise the love of your life with an unforgettable day at the Mürset. For this special occasion, we are opening the Müvée, the most beautiful hall in Aarau. We have put together something suitable for all lovers.


Hausgebeizter Lachs
mit Safranmousse | gefüllte Tomatenroulade
Sellerie Cremesuppe | Jakobsmuschel
Senf Espuma
Rosa gebratene Kalbsmedaillons
herzhafte Kalbsjus mit Zartbitterschokolade
schwarzer Naturreis
buntes Marktgemüse
Gebratene Krevetten
Pikante Kokossauce | schwarzer Naturreis
Ofengemüse mit Sesam
Rüebli-Minzsorbet | Karottenbiskuitherzen


Menu in 4 Course 87 CHF

Menu in 3 Course 77 CHF


Reserve your preferred table today - we look forward to seeing you.

+41 628221372

